“It’s a peace chain, and I’ll make it the rest of my life!” On April 23, 1991, a little after lunch, the idea came to me. Starting with scraps of clay, I have personally handmade and distributed over 628,000 individual pieces. They have been spotted around the world, with sightings on every continent including Antarctica.

It has been my way of finding peace, piece by piece. I use art to promote the idea that each individual seeking their own inner peace contributes to world peace.

A Peace Chain consists of pendants and larger pieces with words for peace in different languages on each piece. Made of ceramic and laser-cut wood, the pieces vary in size and shape and color. Always evolving and changing, it is my way of saying peace with art.

I am grateful for the joy I experience sharing my art. I love to see participants expand the concept by creating their own experience of the work. It is a public art work supported by its participants, a planetary installation that grows from generosity.

With art I seek to confirm and express that everything is interconnected. World peace will not work for anybody until it works for everybody. I use my art to bring attention to our common humanity, our shared planet, and this mysterious universe we sustain with every breath. We are connected with art!

Peace All Ways! Joe Murphy